At this very moment, I am awaiting the departure of the electricians for the day. I am really hungry for lunch and the kitchen was supposed to be done by now. We don't have far to go, but as I sit here, I can't help but think back to beautiful Zermatt and a lunch to remember, actually I am lusting after it as this moment.....
Chez Vrony,
http://www.chezvrony.ch, was recommended to us by my husband's colleague. He said if we visited Zermatt, this was a place we must stop at. He was right, it was amazing and I am here to tell you why.

Findeln is a town far above Zermatt. It is accessible by hiking, the Klein Matterhorn gondola and Sunnegga ski lift. It usually requires a combination of both. I love that the map on their website is hand drawn in black and white and involves elevations and ski lifts! The number of buildings in Findeln can probably be counted on both hands. I think the cows and sheep outnumber the humans and that isn't so bad. From whatever super-engineered Swiss mountain transport system you choose to get you up there, still expect at least a 30 minute walk, up, down and all around. But it is so worth the trip.
Chez Vrony is a site furnishings paradise. As a landscape designer, I geeked out a little about it and took tons of photos. Take a look at the first one above. The important thing to remember about this place is that it is remote, at 2100 meters. There is no Swiss Haus Depot to buy stuff. Everything they need, I mean everything, must be carried in, year round. Toboggans come in handy for cargo in the winter, but you are going to be lugging it all yourself in the non-snow times of the year. Whether a result of necessity or not, the design is rustic. Lots of wood, used in unusual ways, such as stumps for table leg bases. In typical Swiss fashion, they have cozy wool blankets and fur seat covers to ensure that you are comfortable while dining outdoors. The lounge-stylie curved seating is oriented to maximize the views of the Matterhorn and the neighboring animals.
And then there are the food and libations. Just like the Alps, the beers are tall. I normally do not indulge in alcohol while hiking as a result of the resulting need for facilities. But it looked way too tasty to resist. And my husband reassured me that we would be there long enough that I wouldn't spend the afternoon cursing the beer for my full bladder. The Swiss like to linger and dine, so service is usually at an accommodating pace.
If you are a meat-eater, this place may provide you with nirvana. They cure their own meats, all different kinds of meats. And make their own
Bergkaese, or mountain cheese, too. They even grow their own organic produce up there too.

We started by sharing a bowl of pumpkin curry cream soup. The texture was so light and the drizzle of oil on top was perfect. I had the typical Swiss staple of raclette, served with potatoes, gherkins and onions. Always a satisfying choice. Scott had on e of the dried meat entrees that
Chez Vrony is famous for. It really was enough for several people. I helped a little. He enjoyed it a lot.

Then we proceeded from our table in the shade to a sunny spot near the edge of the deck, to take in the amazing views of the Matterhorn and the nice sheep next door. We lingered for a while with our Alp-sized beers and when we were comfortably warmed by the sun, we headed back up, down and all around. We could not have asked for a better way to spend a few hours one afternoon in the mountains.

i had no idea about this place - thank you for sharing! that soup looks sooooo good right now. mmmmm, idea for dinner, perhaps? :)