Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bring on the Equinox!

I have been stuck at home sick for the past few days. Apparently, I don't do feverish and sleepless very well.

Scott is away and hopefully will escape my contamination. I have exhausted all daytime television options. I started with The Galloping Gourmet, which was probably produced before I was born. Next, Julia Childs. These were both pretty entertaining. For a while at least. Then I moved on to HGTV. Finally, around midday today, the Benadryl-induced fog lifted, the headache faded and I decided it was time to turn off the TV and open the curtains.

My sister and I were discussing yesterday about how when we are sick, we would LOVE to just lay around and get some reading done. But that never happens, because you are so sick. Medications, headaches, all that stuff takes away from the reading option. But I opened the curtains and grabbed an old magazine that I have been meaning to read for, oh, 3 years or so.

I moved hesitantly from the comfy couch nest that I had constructed of blankets, Apple products and remote controls to Scott's big leather club chair. The light shining through the window was great. The angle of the sun has changed and it wasn't in my eyes, making me feel like a potato baking in the oven. Fall is here!

Summer of 2010 will go down in history books for the never-ending heat. It all just supports my need to move farther north. I am convinced that sometime in my life I will experience an 80 degree average winter in an area that I used to ski and that scares the crap out of me.

So the promise of cooler, cozy autumn weather and sun rays that I actually welcome instead of shrivel back from is a good thing. Maybe tomorrow I will even feel well enough to go outside.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, when the Cooking Channel no longer keeps you entertained, you are in uncharted territory!

    Glad you figured out how to feel good, even when your body is making you feel so soo soooo bad.

    xoxo from us!
