Friday, November 27, 2009

Exit List

Time is flying and I am a little Type A. But I recognize that, and despite my Type A-ness, I realize that it is not the end of the world if I do not post my Seeings in chronological order. That was the original attempt, but I decided it was more beneficial to just go with the flow, because time is flying.

We are entering the third trimester of expat life. Only about 3 months left here in the Land of Milk and Money. I love lists, see I told you I was Type A. Anyway, I have started an Exit List. Kind of like a Bucket List, but that is another list altogether. My Exit List includes things and places yet to See and anything else I wish to accomplish before going back home to Real Life.

Luckily, my crazy busy husband is really understanding. He is happy to accompany me on my Field Trips. Now I am in full speed ahead Field Trip planning mode. No more relaxing weekends. Time to get out Seeing, Field Tripping and crossing stuff of that Exit List.

Back to the chronological order thing. If I had started this earlier and had more time, I would have done all my posts according to the chronological order of the Field Trips. But, alas, I was having too much fun Seeing to get this snowball rolling. You can't fault me for trying to live life to the fullest. So, we will have some summer scenes interspersed with some holiday scenes over the next few weeks. Trust me, it will be alright. If we're lucky, there might even be some snow scenes. Because it is all about the snow.

1 comment:

  1. can't wait to see what you are up to, were up to and will be up to! :) i need to make a list, too!!
