How do you like my Still Life in Green?
Today was a Pretty Green day, both Prettier and Greener than most. First, it was a Pretty, sun-filled and clear, yet chilly spring day. A crisp reminder from Mother Nature that winter may be forgotten, but she hasn't left just yet. Then I took the train into the city, also very Green. And then I went to the grocery store and laid out all my pickings on the conveyor belt at the cashier only to realize that everything was Green. Even the daffodils, Green because they haven't yet opened. Okay, everything except the bread and potatoes. And that is not unusual at all.
I came home, put away the groceries and discovered that there are TONS of Green things in the fridge. Kale, my new favorite veg, Green onions, Green olives, cilantro, pickles, the list goes on. All the good stuff. An avocado sits ready for eating on the Green granite counter with the Green glass backsplash. And that is not unusual at all.
And I write this from my green painted living room with green curtains. My mouse has a green mousepad. And that is not unusual at all.
And I am wearing Green pants. And that is not unusual at all.
Green Day!